Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Week 9: Space + Art
Richard Clar exemplifies how different subjects can be combined to create new art forms, as he is the liaison between the worlds of art and technology. He began experimenting with art in space in 1982, using NASA for approval with the U.S. Space Shuttle. His art has been featured in numerous known places, such as universities, museums and the MGM Grand hotel in Las Vegas. I love how he gives the definition of space art, as I had no idea this existed prior to this week's lesson. His main definition of space art is "fine art which exploits sensory experiences generated through space exploration." My favorite image of his is the dolphin photo to the right, as it shows a beautiful animal traveling through space. You would never imagine a dolphin in space, but it looks as if it is a constellation in the sky, which come in all shapes and sizes.[bonestell]/2/
Chelsey Bonestell is famed for having popularized manned space travel. He designs the cover art for space magazines, architectural paintings and scientific illustrations, showing the diversity of his work and how he combines multiple subjects in his art pieces. He is an artist who has a crater in Mars named after him. Essentially, he is both an astronomer and an artist, another example of how the two forms can create something amazing and innovative. The painting to the right is called "Saturn as Seen from Mimas." I love it because Saturn was always my favorite planet when I was little, and you don't realize how far away the planets are until you grow old enough to understand the universe. This painting makes it seem as though the planets are close to us, and one day technology might make that illusion a reality. Science, art, space and technology all together are very powerful elements to combine.
Overall, space and art is an interesting phenomenon. I wouldn't say that I love art pieces of space, but I think that is because space is still so unexplored that I don't fully appreciate it. There has been limited space exploration, but with technology increasing, the opportunities are endless. Space art allows us to see what we hope to one day actually experience. 

"Basic Plasma Science Facility at UCLA." BaPSF. UCLA Basic Plasma Science Facility, 2014. Web. 25 May 2016.
Bonestell, Chelsey. Chelsey Bonestell. Bonestell LLC, 2016. Web. 25 May 2016.
Clar, Richard. "Website of Richard Clar and Art Technologies, a Collaboration between Space Technology and the Arts." Website of Richard Clar and Art Technologies, a Collaboration between Space Technology and the Arts. Art Technologies, 2005. Web. 25 May 2016.
"Cultural Space Programme." KSEVT. KSEVT & Zavod, n.d. Web. 25 May 2016.
NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 25 May 2016.

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